Article Forge Review: Is it the Best AI Writer for Your Content Needs?

If you are looking for a detailed Article Forge review then you have arrived at the right blog post.

If you’re a blogger looking to get ahead and boost your bottom line with the help of an AI writing tool, this review is for you.

Given all the recent news around OpenAI and ChatGPT, we’ve decided to review one of the only tools that doesn’t use OpenAI’s models: Article Forge.

Unlike most AI writing tools on the market, Article Forge uses its own proprietary AI models to research and write long-form SEO articles from just a prompt. But is it worth buying?

In this review, we’ll go over Article Forge’s advantages, weaknesses, and if it is really worth buying.

What is Article Forge? 

Article Forge is an AI-powered content generation tool that uses custom-built machine learning models to research, plan out, and write high-quality, unique articles on any given topic. It was created primarily for bloggers and digital marketers to write long-form SEO-friendly content.

Article Forge

Article Forge has a very simple interface, all you need to enter is the keyword or topic you want your article to be about. However, you can also add detailed instructions to tell Article Forge exactly what you want it to write about, which generally results in more focused and useful articles overall.

Before the tool ever starts writing, it researches the prompt the user enters and uses that information to write an accurate, relevant article that is naturally optimized for search. Because the models are designed to write end-to-end articles, the content flows naturally between points and results in cohesive and comprehensive articles.

The software can be used to create content for a variety of purposes, including blog posts, product descriptions, news articles, and more. It uses deep learning algorithms to understand the nuances of language and can even create content in multiple languages.

While it is important to note that the generated content may not always be perfect, Article Forge makes it easy to edit and extend your articles directly in their editor.

Can AI content be detected?  

In general, AI detectors are able to consistently detect content that was generated by AI. 

However, a few tools, including Article Forge and Jasper, can generate content that is indistinguishable from human-written content and generally passes AI detection tools.

Here is the case study that was run by Article Forge comparing different AI tools that we found extremely helpful:

From our experience, AI detection tools are generally accurate, though none are perfect. For example, in the case study above, even human content was incorrectly classified as AI-generated in some instances.

How much can I earn with Article Forge?

One of the advantages of using Article Forge is that it can save time and effort when creating content for websites or blogs. You can generate as many articles as you want in a very short time! Article Forge is great for producing content at scale. So the sky is the limit.

Generate content for affiliate marketing posts to earn commissions, sponsored reviews, or rank your website on search engines per your topics.

Side note: Article Forge also offers an affiliate program, giving another way of earning from it. So you can actually not only generate content for your blog but also review and promote the tool you use.

How to write an article with Article Forge  

To get started, decide on the topic you’re going to write about.

Step 1 – Sign up for an account: First, go to the Article Forge website and sign up for an account. You can choose from different subscription plans based on your needs.

Step 2 – Choose your settings: Once you have signed up, you can choose your settings, including the length of the articles you want to create, the tone of the content, and the language you want to use.

Article Forge Review - Settings Configuration With AI Detection

Step 3 – Enter your keywords: Next, enter the keywords you want to use for your article. Article Forge will use these keywords to create unique content based on the latest research.

Step 4 – Generate the content: After entering your keywords, click on the “Generate” button. Article Forge will then use its artificial intelligence technology to create a unique article based on your settings and keywords.

Article Forge Review - Enter Keywords & Generate Content

Step 5 – Review and edit the content: Once the article is generated, you can review and edit the content as needed. You can also add images and videos to the content to make it more engaging and informative.

Step 6 – Publish or download the article: Once you are satisfied with the content, you can either publish it directly to your website or download it to your computer for later use.

Article Forge Review - Generated Article

Besides this, you will also have the flexibility to enable features such as “Add Image,” “Replace Keywords with Links,” “Avoid AI detection,” etc.

Overall, using Article Forge is a simple and intuitive process that can help you create unique and high-quality content quickly and easily.

What are some key features of Article Forge?

Article Forge is an AI-powered content creation tool that can write high-quality articles on any topic within minutes. Here are some of the most important features of Article Forge:

1. AI technology: Article Forge uses state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology to create unique and high-quality articles that are plagiarism-free.

2. Content customization: The tool allows you to customize the content according to your needs, including the length of the article, tone, and style.

Article Forge Review - Content Customization

3. Research capabilities: Article Forge can conduct research on your behalf and generate content based on relevant keywords and topics.

4. Multilingual support: The tool supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, and Italian.

Article Forge Review - Multilingual Support

5. Easy integration: Article Forge can be easily integrated with content management systems like WordPress, making it easy to publish articles directly from the tool.

Article Forge Review - WordPress Integration

5. Image and video integration: You can easily add images and videos to your articles to make them more engaging and informative.

6. Content scheduling: The tool allows you to schedule content creation and publishing, helping you to stay organized and consistent with your content strategy.

Article Forge Review - Content Scheduling

7. Avoid AI detection: The latest software update in Article Forge Article allows your content to pass every single AI detection tool at the same rate as human content. In other words, your content will be indistinguishable from human content!

Overall, Article Forge is a comprehensive content creation tool that offers a range of features to help you create high-quality, engaging content quickly and easily.

How does Article Forge compare to a human writer?

  • Speed: Article Forge can create an article in a matter of minutes, whereas a human writer may take several hours or even days to create the same content.
  • Consistency: Article Forge can create consistent content that adheres to specific guidelines, whereas human writers may have variations in tone or style.
  • Research: Article Forge can conduct research on your behalf and generate content based on relevant keywords and topics, whereas human writers may need to spend time conducting research themselves.
  • Cost: Article Forge is generally more cost-effective than hiring a human writer, especially if you need to create a large volume of content.
  • Originality: Article Forge creates unique content that is free from plagiarism, whereas human writers may accidentally include content that is similar to existing content.
  • AI detection: The recent software update in Article Forge will allow you to generate content that will pass AI detection tests.

However, it is important to note that Article Forge is not a replacement for a human writer. Human writers can bring creativity, nuance, and a personal touch to content that cannot be replicated by an AI tool. Therefore, it is recommended to use Article Forge as a tool to supplement human writing, rather than as a replacement for it.

How much does Article Forge cost? 

In this Article Forge review, it is important to know how much it cost. So here’s a brief overview of its pricing.

Article Forge offers a 5-day free trial. After the trial ends, there are several pricing plans (as of March 2023):

  • $27/mo, or $13 billed annually ($156) – 25K words
  • $57/mo, or $27 billed annually ($324) – 250K words
  • $127/mo, or $57 billed annually ($684) – 500K words

This is one of the most cost-effective AI writers available on the market

What is the difference between ChatGPT and Article Forge?  

 ChatGPT and Article Forge are two different AI models designed for different purposes. 

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, which is designed to be a general-purpose generative AI tool. Article Forge, on the other hand, was designed specifically to create accurate, relevant, SEO-optimized long-form content.

Article Forge is often used by content marketers, bloggers, and website owners to create high-quality content for their websites or social media accounts.

So, while both ChatGPT and Article Forge use artificial intelligence to generate text-based content, they are designed for different purposes and have different features and capabilities.

Pros & Cons of Article Forge


  • With Article Forge, you can create high-quality content quickly and easily, without spending hours researching and writing.
  • The tool allows you to customize the content according to your needs, including the length of the article, tone, and style.
  • Article Forge can conduct research on your behalf and generate content based on relevant keywords and topics.
  • The tool supports multiple languages, making it accessible to businesses and individuals around the world.
  • Article Forge can be easily integrated with content management systems like WordPress, making it easy to publish articles directly from the tool.
  • Article Forge offers affordable pricing plans, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.


  • The quality of output can vary depending on the keywords and settings used by the user. It is important to review and edit the content before publishing it to ensure it meets your standards.
  • While Article Forge allows for some customization, it may not be suitable for businesses or individuals who require highly specialized content.
  • As an AI tool, Article Forge sometimes lacks the personal touch and creativity that can be offered by human writers.
  • While Article Forge is generally easy to use, there may be a learning curve for users who are not familiar with AI writing tools.

Article Forge Review: The Verdict

Article Forge is an AI-powered content creation tool that offers a range of features to help users create unique and engaging content quickly and easily. Here is our verdict of Article Forge review based on ease-of-use, quality of output, customer service, features, and value for money:


Article Forge is incredibly easy to use. The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly create and customize content.

The tool also offers a range of templates and settings to help users get started quickly.

Quality of output

The quality of output from Article Forge is generally very good. The tool uses advanced AI technology to create unique and engaging content that is free from plagiarism.

However, the quality of output can vary depending on the keywords and settings used by the user.

Customer service

Article Forge offers excellent customer service. They have a dedicated support team that is available to answer any questions or concerns.

They also offer a comprehensive knowledge base with articles and tutorials to help users get the most out of the tool.


Article Forge offers a range of features to help users create high-quality content quickly and easily. These features include content customization, research capabilities, multilingual support, easy integration, image and video integration, and content scheduling.

The tool also offers a range of templates and settings to help users get started quickly.

Value for money

Article Forge is generally very good value for money. The tool offers affordable pricing plans, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.

The cost of using Article Forge is generally much lower than hiring a human writer, especially if you need to create a large volume of content.

Overall, Article Forge is a powerful and reliable content creation tool that offers a range of features and benefits to help users create high-quality content quickly and easily.

While the quality of output can vary depending on the keywords and settings used by the user, the tool is generally very easy to use and offers excellent value for money.

So to sum up this Article Forge review –

Ease Of Use – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – 5/5 Stars

Efficiency – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – 5/5 Stars

Value For Money – ⭐⭐⭐⭐ – 4/5 Stars

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