13 Best Email List Cleaning Service For 0% Bounce

What are the chances that you are looking for the best email list cleaning service?

If you have landed on this blog then I am quite sure that it is high…

Before we go any further, I would like to appreciate your decision to clean your email list. Trust me, this will definitely uplift your email marketing strategy.

Unlike you, there are still many email marketers who believe that “size matters”. Well, it may but not when it comes to email marketing.

What truly matters is how serious are you with your email list hygiene. You are eventually going to get blacklisted if you neglect this and continue sending to invalid, bad or expired email addresses.

And, once you are blacklisted or have tarnished your sender score/reputation, it becomes immensely difficult to recover.

But you are wise..!! Wise enough to clean your email lists with the help of any of the 13 best email list cleaning service.

Before we dive into their details, here’s an…

Overview & Comparison Of Email List Cleaning Tools

Services5,000 Credits10,000 Credits50,000 Credits100,000 Credits500,000 Credits
Email List Validation$39$59$195$299$699
Email Checker$49$69$199$299$799

>> If you want to jump straight to the detailed breakdown of each email list cleaning software, click here.

If not then allow me to explain to you –

What Are Email List Cleaning Services?

The email list cleaning services are basically a tool that cleans your email list by removing invalid, misspelled, expired or spam trap email addresses.

Speaking simply, the email list cleaning tool checks and verifies if the email address is deliverable or not.

You’d be shocked to know that according to recent studies, approximately 25% of your email list burns out due to opting out, unsubscribing, expiration or suspension. It makes no sense to send emails to those email addresses that don’t even exist.

So it is highly recommended to clean your list at regular intervals for yielding maximum output.

However, you should also know the difference between scrubbing your email list and segmenting your email list based on their recent activity and engagements.

How Does Email List Cleaning Work?

There are tons of email list cleaner available in the market, each unique in their own way…

But the prime objective of each of those list cleaning tools is to weed out invalid, expired, or misspelled email addresses.

And, for that, they use extensive cleaning and verification processes like –

  • Checking Email Address Syntax – There can be a few email addresses that are misspelled like – johndoe@gamil.com or johndoe@yaho.com. This process removes all the email addresses with improper syntaxes.
  • Verifying Role-Based Email Addresses – More often than not, your email list may contain role-based email addresses like sales@, support@, etc. This process removes all such expired addresses if found expired.
  • Removing Disposable Email Addresses – This process deletes all the email addresses that are disposable in nature or have a one-time use.
  • Checking MX Records – This process eliminates all the email addresses after checking if the domain is invalid and does not contain required MX records.
  • Detecting Spam Traps – It is the most important process of all as it detects & removes the spam traps, honeypots, or blacklist emails after confirming if it exists in the database of email addresses that are being used for trapping spammers.

In addition to these, there are a few more advanced intermediate processes. And, at last, the final email verification process involves sending SMTP pings to every email address to confirm their existence.

After this, the list cleaning services will provide you with a cleansed version of your email list.

Benefits Of Cleaning Your Email List

By now, I am quite sure that in the future, you will take email list cleaning seriously…

But if you still need some more convincing, allow me to enlighten you with list cleaning benefits in the form of an infographic.

Benefits Of Email List Cleaning
(Click To Zoom In)

Benefit 1 – Removing invalid emails means low bounce rates

Benefit 2 – You will receive lower or no spam complaints

Benefit 3 – Cleaning your list ensures the respectable sender reputation

Benefit 4 – Good sender reputation boosts overall domain reputation

Benefit 5 – Cleaning your list assures higher open rates

Benefit 6 – Since there’s an improvement in open rates, click rate also improves

Benefit 7 – Good email engagement leads to better email delivery

Benefit 8 – Removing bad emails could lower your expense on email marketing service

… and many more.

Now that you are also well versed in the importance and benefits of email list cleaners, it is finally the time to explore them in detail.

1. MailCleanup (Cheapest Email List Cleaning Service)

Starting off the list, I would like to introduce you to a new software that is unique in terms of offering services. Unlike other best email list cleaner software, MailCleanup is purely a service-oriented solution that focuses solely on offering email list cleaning services. The tool takes the middleman out, meaning that you don’t have to worry about creating your account, managing your credits, or server dependencies. You simply have to pick the right plan, upload your list, and make the payment. After this, your email list will be uploaded to the verification engine and the cleaning process will commence automatically. In a matter of a few minutes/hours, you will receive your cleaned email list, right in your inbox.

With that being said, it is natural to think that MailCleanup may not be as efficient or secure that the other software. Well, that is simply not the case. To begin with, this tool claims to offer up to 99% email verification accuracy. This efficiency is achieved with the help of several industry-grade verification procedures. At the end of the day, your email list and personal information are fully secured as the tool is GDPR compliant and employs all the important data protection policies.

MailCleanup - Cheapest Email List Cleaning Service

Unique Features Of MailCleanup

  • For starters, it removes the “software” part of a SaaS application and focuses on just the service part. The tool simply asks you to select a plan, make the payment, and upload your email list in the service request form.
  • MailCleanup implements and uses all the industry-grade email verification processes to deliver up to 99% accuracy. When compared with other software, it offers the best accuracy rate.
  • The tool claims to employ the best data protection measures and complies with GDPR regulations. In addition to this, MailCleanup does not tie you down with recurring payments. Instead, it offers pay-as-you-go plans with one-time pricing.

Basic MailCleanup Features

  • Removes duplicate emails from your email list
  • All invalid, inactive, or expired domain emails are also removed
  • It uses real-time SMTP validation to verify addresses
  • Offers detailed SMTP response for rejection
  • It removed emails with invalid syntax
  • Identifies & removed catch-all emails
  • Identifies the greylisting enabled domains
  • Takes out all the disposable email addresses
  • Uses MX record detection to validate emails
  • Detects soft & hard bounces

MailCleanup Pricing

As said earlier, MailCleanup comes with a pay-as-you-go pricing model with a one-time payment. It offers multiple bulk email cleaning packages that you can pick according to your needs.

Although, you should know that the unused credits will not be added to your next email cleaning request. You’d have to use all of your credits in a single process. That being said, if you think you will be left with a lot of unused credits, the MailCleanup team will happily curate a custom plan for you.

  • $5 for cleaning 1,000 emails
  • $10 for cleaning 5,000 emails
  • $15 for cleaning 10,000 emails
  • $20 for cleaning 15,000 emails
  • $25 for cleaning 20,000 emails
  • $30 for cleaning 25,000 emails
  • $50 for cleaning 50,000 emails
  • $90 for cleaning 100,000 emails
  • $300 for cleaning 500,000 emails
  • $500 for cleaning 1,000,000 emails

2. ListWise (Bulk Email List Cleaning Tool)

ListWise is yet another new email list service that is getting a lot of attention from email marketers and businesses of all kinds. The software packs all the essential email marketing features that enable it to provide up to 99% cleaning accuracy. And, apart from conventional bulk email cleaning, ListWise also provides real-time API with the help of which you can verify emails in registration forms, sign-up forms, etc.

After considering all these features, some top businesses like Pizza Hut, Volvo, Samsung, Morris Garage, Dulux, etc. have used ListWise to clean their email lists. Despite the software being headquartered in New Zealand, it has its offices around the world, hence facilitating prompt customer support and a shorter turnaround time.

ListWise - Bulk Email List Cleaning Tool

Unique Features Of ListWise

  • Unlike other best email list cleaning service, ListWise efficiently fixes the obvious typos in email addresses. This feature ensures that valid emails are not removed for just a small typo.
  • ListWise uses the SMTP handshake method in real-time with email providers to determine the validity of email addresses. This feature is one of the most efficient ways to clean email lists.
  • Besides the SMTP handshake method where the verification process depends on email providers, ListWise also uses Anti-Greylisting technology to verify emails.

Basic ListWise Features

  • Checks if the emails have the correct syntax
  • Domain and MX records checker
  • Removes catch-all email addresses
  • Deletes temporary and disposable emails
  • Also detects role-based email addresses
  • Bounce email detection & removal
  • Efficiently identifies & removes spam traps
  • Automatically removes duplicate emails
  • API integration with third-party software

ListWise Pricing

When it comes to pricing, ListWise definitely impresses us with its affordability and flexibility. To kick things off, it offers 100 free email cleaning credits upon signing up. You can use these free credits to determine the efficacy of the software.

Next, ListWise offers pricing tiers with different billing options. For starters, there are “Pay As You Go” plans with a one-time payment for cleaning credits. Besides this, it also offers “Monthly Subscription” plans for email list cleaning and real-time API.

Here’s the exciting part –

Use the coupon code – DMT20OFF to get a 20% discount on all the ListWise pricing tiers and plans.

ListWise – Pay As You Go Plans

ListWise - Pay As You Go Pricing
  • $7.00 to clean 500 email addresses
  • $10.00 to clean 1K email addresses
  • $20.00 to clean 3K email addresses
  • $30.00 to clean 5K email addresses
  • $45.00 to clean 10K email addresses 
  • $70.00 to clean 25K email addresses
  • $105.00 to clean 50K email addresses
  • $185.00 to clean 100K email addresses
  • $450.00 to clean 250K email addresses
  • $605.00 to clean 500K email addresses
  • $995.00 to clean 1M email addresses
  • $1,595.00 to clean 2M email addresses
  • $2,995.00 to clean 5M email addresses
  • $4,930.00 to clean 10M email addresses
  • $7,750.00 to clean 20M email addresses
  • $15,995.00 to clean 50M email addresses

ListWise – Monthly Subscription Plans

ListWise - Subscription Pricing
  • $44/month for cleaning 10,000 Email Addresses
  • $86/month for cleaning 50,000 Email Addresses
  • $158/month for cleaning 100,000 Email Addresses
  • $462/month for cleaning 500,000 Email Addresses
  • $860/month for cleaning 1 Million Email Addresses
  • $2,559/month for cleaning 5 Million Email Addresses

ListWise – Real-Time API Plans

ListWise - Real-Time API Pricing
  • $408.00/month for 100,000 email addresses
  • $662.00/month for 500,000 email addresses
  • $1,010.00/month for 1 million email addresses

3. ZeroBounce (Best Email List Cleaning Service)

When it comes to choosing a good email list cleaner software, no one comes close to the likes of ZeroBounce. For starters, unlike other services, ZeroBounce has been awarded for its list cleaning services.

ZeroBounce proudly boasts about being 98% accurate in providing a cleaned email list. Because of this, it has been featured on Inc., BuzzFeed, Forbes, Entrepreneur, etc.

ZeroBounce - Email List Cleaner

Unique Features Of ZeroBounce

  • It enriches your email list by appending relevant information like gender, name, location, and IP address. And, hence, makes it the best email list cleaning service.
  • While other list cleaning software removes email typos, Zerobounce suggests a correction so you don’t miss out on potential valid email addresses.
  • ZeroBounce also finds out toxic domains that have been used for creating spam and abuse email addresses.

Basic ZeroBounce Features

  • Removes invalid, expired or bad email addresses
  • Spam trap detection
  • MX record verification
  • Uses greylisting verification technology
  • Validates possible email bounces
  • Extensive email validation API
  • Integration with major email marketing services

ZeroBounce Pricing

Apart from offering tons of unique features, the stuff that makes ZeroBounce the best is its flexible pricing.

ZeroBounce Pricing - Pay As You Go
  • Free – ZeroBounce a forever free email list cleaning plan that would allow you to clean up to 100 emails every month.
  • Pay As You Go – This is a “pay as you go” plan that starts at $16 for cleaning 2,000 email addresses. Similarly, for cleaning 5,000 & 10,000 emails, you’d be charged $39 & $65 respectively. ZeroBouce also provides a pricing calculator to find out the actual cost of cleaning a certain number of email addresses.
  • Monthly – This is a monthly subscription-based plan that offers multiple sub plans that starts at $15/month for 2,000 emails. And, it goes up to $2,760/month for cleaning 2,000,000 emails.

There are some add-ons or additional features like a delivery toolkit that has its own pricing packages.

4. MyEmailVerifier (Top Email List Cleaner)

I will be honest with you, MyEmailVerifier was not in the initial draft of this blog post. But after checking out the reviews and personally trying this bulk email list cleaner, I found it to be better than the other services mentioned in this list.

Another noticeable characteristic of MyEmailVerifier is that it provides plenty of offers. And, with these offers, you can avail up to 10,000 free email verification credits. In spite of such offers, this email cleaning service assures a 98% delivery rate.

MyEmailVerifier - Best Email List Cleaning Service

Unique Features Of MyEmailVerifier

  • MyEmailVerifier has upgraded its engine and became the first service to identify disabled users in Yahoo as well as in AOL.
  • You can also use the MyEmailVerifier API and integrate it with your online forms, CMS pages, CRM, SaaS applications, etc.
  • As a part of the recent engine update, MyEmailVerifier will remove all the abuse, spam, and bot created email addresses.

Basic MyEmailVerifier Features

  • Checks the syntax of each email addresses
  • The email verifier engine has an in-built MX record checker
  • Packed with a Catch-All email checker
  • Detects role-based email accounts
  • Identifies emails built on free domains
  • SMTP based email verification method
  • Identifies greylisting enabled domains
  • Checks & removes Spam Traps
  • Email marketing service integration

MyEmailVerifier Pricing

As said earlier, MyEmailVerifier gives plenty of offers that allow you to get free email verification credits. These offers can be availed after signing up, reviewing it, sharing on social media, etc.

Apart from this, there are “Pay As You Go” pricing plans that start at $1.44 for 500 credits. The subsequent plans will allow you to clean 1,000 and 2,000 emails at the cost of $2.88 and $5.04, respectively. The pricing structure goes up to 5 million email cleaning credits that will cost you $1800.

For the Digital Marketing Tipsy’s reader, MyEmailVerifier is offering 1 million email cleaning credits for just $289.

MyEmailVerifier Pricing

MyEmailVerifier also provides you with a student or non-profit organization discount if applicable.

5. EmailListVerify (Bulk Email Checker Service)

EmailListVerify is the simplest, cheapest and best email list cleaning app available in the market. Many email marketers and small businesses use EmailListVerify due to its inexpensive pricing plans.

Speaking about efficiency and accuracy, EmailListVerify claims to be 99% accurate with their list cleaning results. And, because of this, EmailListVerify users have rated it 4.5 stars on Capterra.

EmailListVerify - Best Email List Cleaning Service

Unique Features Of EmailListVerify

  • This bulk email cleaning service offers a realtime email verification API. Meaning, you can check the validity of an email address before it gets added to your email list.
  • EmailListVerify also offers a free tool that would fetch email addresses from any text file or simply a text.
  • It is also known for offering 3 more free tools that check the health of your email sending domain, blacklisting, and MX records for any domain.

Basic EmailListVerify Features

  • Checks and eliminate invalid or expired emails
  • Removes emails with bad syntax
  • Identify possible spam traps
  • It also removes emails with disposable addresses
  • Takes care of duplicate emails
  • Also checks for hard bounces
  • Integration with several email marketing services

EmailListVerify Pricing

EmailListVerify is classified as the top and reliable email list cleaning software due to its pricing plans. Just to give you an idea about its efficacy, EmailListVerify offers a free 100 email cleaning credit when you sign up.

After that, you can purchase any of its “Pay As You Go” plans or subscribe to its monthly plans.

Pay as you go – There are 12 sub-tiers under this plan that starts at $4 for cleaning up to 1,000 emails. Next, $15 for 5,0000 emails, $24 for 10,000 emails, and so on. It goes up to 10 million credits with a price tag of $3,290.

EmailListVerify Pricing - Pay As You Go

Monthly subscription – There are 6 monthly plans of EmailListVerify. It starts at $139/month for cleaning & verifying 5,000 emails/day. The last plan would cost you $989/month for verifying up to 100,000 emails in a day.

EmailListVerify Pricing - Subscription

6. Email List Validation (Email List Cleaning & Scrubbing Service)

Email List Validation is a cutting-edge email list cleaning service that allows you to check your email list in bulk, detects invalid addresses, temporary emails, duplicate emails, and spam traps and also removes hard-bounced emails, and verifies syntax errors in just minutes with a verification process. Due to this, it has a solid average rating of 4.8/5 across G2, Capterra, and Trustpilot.

Besides these, all the email verification processes and techniques work together to offer up to 99% accuracy. Furthermore, you can use it to clean your email list in bulk or leverage its API to facilitate real-time email verification. Not to forget, you’d also get several other features in the software as well.

Email List Validation - Email List Cleaning Service

Unique Features Of Email List Validation

  • The software comes with 3 different use cases. Firstly, you can upload your email lists to software. Next, you can use its API to integrate it with your SaaS application for real-time verification. Lastly, it integrates with major CRMs and ESPs to automate the cleaning process.
  • The stuff that makes it the best email list cleaning service is the use of AES 256 encryption. Your data is completely secured. Additionally, it adheres to GDPR compliances as well.
  • It is one of the only software that allows you to invite and add team members to your account.

Basic Email List Validation Features

  • Offers various integrations
  • Validates emails with invalid domains
  • Checks emails with bad syntaxes
  • Removes potential spam traps
  • Takes care of duplicate emails
  • Detects disposable email addresses
  • Offers different download options

Email List Validation Pricing

This email list cleaning service comes with simple, flexible, and straightforward pricing. It offers pay-as-you-go plans with a one-time payment model. You simply have to pick the right plan, make the payment, and start cleaning your email lists.

Email List Validation - Pricing

The plan starts at $19 for cleaning 2,500 emails. The pricing goes up to 5 million credits for $3699.

7. MailboxValidator (New List Cleaning App)

MailboxValidator is one of the latest email list cleaning services that have surfaced in the email marketing sector. Despite being relatively new, it has respectable ratings and reviews on Trustpilot.

These reviews are a result of its email verification performance that ultimately offers up to 96% email deliverability after cleaning. Along with list cleaning, MailboxValidator also offers domain and disposable email validation.

MailboxValidator - Best Email List Cleaning Service

Unique Features Of MailboxValidator

  • The service maintains its own “Do Not Mail” list. It is one of the important factors that the service accounts for cleaning your email list.
  • MailboxValidator provides a dedicated API for developers for quick and simple integration with third-party software.
  • Along with the MX record checker, MailboxValidator also gives an MX server connection checker to check the network connection with the mail server.

Basic MailboxValidator Features

  • Simple email syntax checker
  • Removal of duplicate emails
  • Checking greylisted emails for spam traps
  • Identifies temporary emails
  • Checks for role-based email addresses
  • Direct integration with major email marketing software

MailboxValidator Pricing

The service offers separate pricing plans for email list cleaning and API. Although to help you make better decisions with your purchase, it offers a one-month free trial plan with 100 email credits.

In addition to this, there are seven monthly subscription plans –

MailboxValidator Pricing
  • BULK-1 – $19.95/month for cleaning 1,000 emails.
  • BULK-5 – $39.95/month to clean 5,000 emails.
  • BULK-10 – To clean 10,000 emails, you’d have to pay $59.95/month.
  • BULK-50 – Clean 50,000 emails at the cost of $149.95/month.
  • BULK-100 – You can clean up to 100,000 emails at $199.95/month.
  • BULK-500 – The $399.95/month plan will allow cleaning of 500,000 emails.
  • BULK-1000 – You get to clean 1,000,000 emails by paying $699.95/month.

8. Snov.io (Free Email List Cleaner)

Snov.io is basically a sales automation platform & CRM platform for all kinds of users and businesses. Among its set of tools, Snov.io offers the best email list cleaning service as well.

After spreading its wings in the field of email marketing, list cleaning, and email verification, Snov.io has gathered a clientele of up to 130,000 users. Snov.io customers love it and rate it high on many review sites. Also, it has won 2 awards for its services.

Snov.io - Best Email List Cleaning Service

Unique Features Of Snov.io

  • Snov.io claims to be the fastest email list cleaner software as it can clean thousands of emails in a matter of minutes.
  • Just like other services, Snov.io offers an email verifying API that can be integrated with your website or SaaS application.
  • Apart from the list cleaner tool, Snov.io also packs several other productive modules like complete email searches of a domain, email tracker extension for Gmail, and email drip campaigns.

Basic Snov.io Features

  • Cleans your email list by removing invalid emails
  • Removal of emails with improper syntax
  • Detects emails with disposable addresses
  • Domains and emails with “Catch-all” status is neglected
  • Sends SMTP pings for advanced email verification
  • Offers multiple cleaned list downloading options
  • A realtime email verifying API

Snov.io Pricing

Unlike other email list cleaning tools, Snov.io offers a forever free plan. In this plan, you would be able to clean up to 100 email addresses every month. Mind you, all the other tools and features of Snov.io are also included in every plan.

In addition to being cheap, Snov.io’s pricing plans are unique and work on the basis of credits. So, speaking clearly, 1 credit will allow you to clean or verify 2 email addresses.

Snov.io Pricing
  • S – This plan would cost you $39/month and allow you to verify and clean up to 2,000 email addresses.
  • M – At the cost of $99/month, you can clean 10,000 email addresses.
  • L – For cleaning up to 40,000 email addresses, you’d have to pay $189/month.
  • XL – To clean up to 100,000 emails, you can subscribe to this plan at the rate of $369/month.
  • XXL – Lastly, this plan will cost $738/month to clean up to 200,000 emails.

9. NeverBounce (Bulk Email List Cleaning Software)

By reading the name – NeverBounce, you could have an idea about its efficiency. That’s right, NeverBounce cleans your email list so well that your email marketing campaigns get a 0% bounce rate.

Along with other features, this is what you should look for in the top email cleaning service. You should be relieved to know that many big companies like Dell, Indeed, Yelp, etc. also use it for cleaning their email lists.

NeverBounce - Best Email List Cleaning Service

Unique Features Of NeverBounce

  • It cleans your email list with the help of 20+ processes. In addition to this, each email is pinged or verified from 75 different locations around the world.
  • NeverBounce allows you to customize and download your cleaned email list on the basis of deliverable and undeliverable status.
  • It is the only email list cleaning tool that removes duplicate and bad syntax emails without any extra charge.

Basic NeverBounce Features

  • Cleaning invalid and expired emails
  • Up to 99.9% accurate bounce analysis
  • Checks MX records and domains
  • Identify and appends details for free email hosts
  • Assures 100% data privacy and security
  • Integrates with several third-party applications
  • Offers an extensive set of APIs in 8 programming languages

NeverBounce Pricing

This email list cleaning software is known for its flexible pricing. Also, in order to make you understand how efficient it is, NeverBounce provides 1,000 email cleaning credits for free. All you have to do is sign up, upload your email list and get the cleaned version in no time.

Besides this, there are different pricing plans such as –

Pay-As-You-Go – This plan offers multiple pricing tiers with different rates like for cleaning up to 10,000 emails, you’d be charged $0.008/email. Similarly, you’d be charged $0.005/email for cleaning up to 100,000 emails, and so on.

NeverBounce Pricing - Pay As You Go

Sync (Automated Cleaning) – This is a subscription-based plan that starts at $10/month for cleaning 1,000 emails. Followed by this, you’d be charged $49/month & $99/month for cleaning 10,000 & 50,000 emails respectively. Apart from this, there are many more sub plans.

NeverBounce Pricing - Sync

10. DataValidation (Email List Cleaner Software)

If we are talking about the best email list cleaning service, it’s impossible to skip DataValidation. Why – you ask? Well, because of its claim of 99% deliverability.

Also because of this whopping deliverability rate, many email marketers, startups and small businesses have opted for DataValidation. Some of its reputable customers include IEEE, University of Michigan, Netgear, etc.

DataValidation - Email List Cleaning Tool

Unique Features Of DataValidation

  • The AutoPilot feature can monitor and automatically clean the email list available in your email marketing service on a regular basis.
  • DataValidation, just like other services, also offers an API for bulk and realtime email verification.
  • This email list cleaner also boasts about being GDPR compliant. Hence, EU customers should be relieved about their data privacy.

Basic DataValidation Features

  • Removal of expired and invalid emails
  • Eliminating duplicate emails
  • Emails with improper syntax will be removed
  • Disposable emails are disposed
  • Assures fast email list cleaning
  • Multiple file compatibility for uploading & downloading
  • Integrations with leading email marketing solutions

DataValidation Pricing

When it comes to pricing, DataValidation is the only best email list cleaning service that has multiple pricing models. And, because of these models, it becomes an easy pick for everyone.

In addition to premium plans, there’s also a free plan. You will get 100 free email cleaning credits after signing up, 100 more after you confirm your account. And, 300 more free credits when you make your first purchase.

Pay As You Go

Price Tiers – For cleaning up to 10,000 emails, you’d be charged at the rate of $0.007. Similarly, for cleaning 100,000 & 500,000 emails, you’d be charged at the rate of $0.005 & $0.003 respectively. There are more tiers available for bigger list cleaning volume. Moreover, you can also calculate the price with the pricing calculator available on the site.

DataValidation Pricing - Price Tiers

Email Verification Packs – To provide a cheaper alternative to the above-mentioned pricing tiers, you can purchase email verification and cleaning packs.

DataValidation Pricing - Email Verification Packs
  • $35 for 5,000 email verification and cleaning
  • $300 for cleaning up to 100,000 emails
  • For cleaning and verifying 500,000 emails, you’d have to pay $1,000
  • 2,000,000 email cleaning pack comes at the cost of $2500


Apart from a one-time payment pricing model, you can also subscribe to different plans and get extra verification/cleaning credits.

DataValidation Pricing - Subscription

Monthly Subscription – 5% extra credits

Quarterly Subscription – Up to 10% extra credits

Semi-annual Subscription – 15% extra credits

Annual Subscription – 20% extra credits

11. Xverify (Bulk Email Cleaner)

If you are looking for a simple but the best email list cleaning service then your search could end after trying our Xverify. This is the “go-to” solution for many digital and email marketers.

Moreover, if you are located in the European Union, you could easily clean your email list with Xverify’s EU-based data centers. They are highly efficient and secure.

Xverify - Bulk Email List Cleaner

Unique Features Of Xverify

  • Instead of permanently removing an email with improper syntax, Xverify notifies you about the typo error.
  • Xverify is a rare email list cleaning tool that supports online storage apps like Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, etc. This will help you import your files directly from these online storage apps to your Xverify dashboard.
  • If you are opting for the realtime email verification service, the “Name Verification” feature would enable you to examine the name field for profanity or special characters.

Basic Xverify Features

  • Cleans invalid, expired or suspended email addresses
  • Disposes of temporary emails
  • Realtime email verification API
  • A drag & drop file importer for list cleaning
  • Detects spam complaints
  • 3rd party integrations with email marketing tools
  • Email alerts upon completing email list cleaning

Xverify Pricing

Just like its simple email list cleaning services, Xverify has kept its pricing plans quite simple and straightforward. Xverify pricing plans use “Pay As You Go” model.

Xverify Pricing

However, its plan has multiple pricing tiers. For example, to clean up to 5,000 emails, you’d be charged at the rate of $0.0100/email. At the same time, the rate (per email) is reduced if you have higher email list cleaning needs. For instance, you are charged at the rate of $0.0080/email and $0.0070/email to clean 5-10K emails and 10-25K emails respectively.

If this is too confusing for you, simply head over to Xverify’s site and find the expected cost with its pricing calculator.

12. Email Checker (Leading List Cleaning Tool)

Another notable name in the ranks of best email list cleaning service is Email Checker. It has been in the business for a long time now and hence, it has a huge experience in the email cleaning procedure.

You would be surprised to know that Email Checker claims to have cleaned more than 19 billion emails until now. This email cleaning portfolio of the Email Checker has also attracted some top business clients such as Box, Seagate, Matrix, etc.

Email Checker - Best Email List Cleaning Service

Unique Features Of Email Checker

  • It offers an extensive B2B cloud platform that helps all the business professionals and email marketing specialists with their custom email cleaning requirements.
  • Just like other services, Email Checker also provides API. And, this API, along with the dashboard service has an uptime of 99%.
  • Email Checker has a respectable reputation with major email clients such as Yahoo, AOL, Outlook, Yandex, etc.

Basic Email Checker Features

  • Email syntax & format checking
  • Domain & mailbox verification
  • Drag & drop bulk email verification
  • Detection of disposable email addresses
  • Suggestions for email address typos
  • Multiple integrations via API
  • Real-time API for email verification

Email Checker Pricing

The significant factor behind the popularity of Email Checker is its pricing plan. To maintain this popularity, this email list cleaner software offers plenty of flexible pricing plans.

The pricing plans are of the “Pay As You Go” and “Subscription” model.

Pay as you go – You can opt from 12 different pay as you go plans. It comes in the form of email verification or cleaning blocks and starts at $14 for 1,000 credits. Similarly, you can get a block for 2,500 credits at the cost of $29, and so on. The last block of Email Checker will allow you to get 2,500,000 credits in $2,499.

Subscription plans – Just like pay as you go plans, there are 12 different monthly subscription plans. It starts at $10/month for cleaning 1,000 emails in a month. At the same time, the subsequent plans will charge $20/month & $30/month for cleaning 2,500 and 5,000 emails in a month. You can clean up to 2,500,000 emails per month at the cost of $1,899/month.

13. QuickEmailVerification (Fastest Email Cleaning Service)

Another SaaS platform that is getting a lot of attention from email marketers and business owners is QuickEmailVerification. It is termed the best email list cleaning service due to its 99% assured deliverability after the list cleaning process. Not to forget, the service follows enterprise-level security and complies with GDPR.

Besides this, you should be relieved to know that the software has experience of 7+ years in list cleaning services. And, because of this, it serves some of the major clients like Accenture, Century Link, IBM, etc.

QuickEmailVerification - Fastest Email Cleaning Service

Unique Features Of QuickEmailVerification

  • Unlike the rest of the email list cleaners, QuickEmailVerification offers multiple file formats for uploading. The compatible file formats include CSV, TXT, XLS, XLSX or ODS format.
  • The software offers an in-built auto correction feature that finds typos in your list and suggests you the correct emails. This way don’t miss out the chance of connecting with your subscribers.
  • QuickEmailVerification, as the name suggests is faster in list cleaning and also has a quicker API turn around. In simple terms, your email lists will be cleaned in a matter of minutes.

Basic QuickEmailVerification Features

  • Supports multiple email list file formats
  • Check email syntaxes and validates domains
  • Performs checks on MX records
  • Detects temporary email addresses
  • Corrects typos in emails
  • Removes duplicate email addresses
  • Follows anti-greylisting technology
  • Generates in-depth list cleaning & verification reports
  • Uses strong encryption for extra security

QuickEmailVerification Pricing

If you are looking for a free email list cleaning tool, your search will end at QuickEmailVerification. It offers a forever free tier that allows you to clean/verify 100 emails per day.

But if you have higher list cleaning needs, QuickEmailVerification offers you the choice between premium “pay as you go” or monthly subscription plans. Here’s a breakdown of the pricing tiers in both the pricing plans –

QuickEmailVerification Pricing

One Time (Pay As You Go) – These pricing tiers grants email list cleaning credits for one-time use.

  • 500 credits for cleaning/verification – $4 one-time fee
  • 1K credits for cleaning/verification – $8 one-time fee
  • 2.5K credits for cleaning/verification – $20 one-time fee
  • 5K credits for cleaning/verification – $35 one-time fee
  • 10K credits for cleaning/verification – $60 one-time fee
  • 25K credits for cleaning/verification – $120 one-time fee
  • 50k credits for cleaning/verification – $200 one-time fee
  • 100K credits for cleaning/verification – $320 one-time fee
  • 250K credits for cleaning/verification – $660 one-time fee
  • 350K credits for cleaning/verification – $775 one-time fee
  • 500K credits for cleaning/verification – $900 one-time fee
  • 1M credits for cleaning/verification – $1350 one-time fee
  • 2.5M credits for cleaning/verification – $2300 one-time fee
  • 5M credits for cleaning/verification – $3500 one-time fee

Daily (Monthly Subscription) – In this pricing structure, you will be billed monthly but it will offer daily email verification credits.

  • 100 daily credits – $0/month (forever free)
  • 500 daily credits – $25/month
  • 1K daily credits – $50/month
  • 2K daily credits – $80/month
  • 3K daily credits – $110 one-time fee
  • 5K daily credits – $160 one-time fee
  • 10K daily credits – $260 one-time fee
  • 25K daily credits – $525 one-time fee
  • 50k daily credits – $900 one-time fee

All Done. Now What?

Now that you have explored all the services and software, it’s time to pick the best email list cleaning service that will cater to your email cleaning requirements.

If you are still not taking email list cleaning seriously then I should warn you about its dire consequences.

You will be blacklisted and labeled as a spammer. Also, you could be also banned by email marketing services for using their services altogether.

Would you want this to happen to you or your business? I hope not…

I assure you, all the email list cleaning tools mentioned above are efficient in cleaning small to bulk email lists.

Additionally, if you think that I may have missed some deserving list cleaner software then feel free to drop them in the comments section.

Also, keep your reading streak going and explore –

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